Welcome Beautiful Soul!
You've entered a space for Personal and Spiritual Growth
This growth happens through the Quantum Field in Energy Healing Sessions, Light Activations, and in Online Programs to expand your consciousness.
About Laura
I started learning about energy and how we are connected to a universal energy source in 2020 when I had my first of many spiritual awakenings. I realized on a different level that the way the world worked was not ideal, and that I didn't have to continue living my life the way I used to. Working Mon-Fri and barely having any time for myself became unbearable, and I knew that I couldn't go on like that for much longer. I was grumpy with my kids, and not enjoying life the way I thought it should be enjoyed.
I first started learning about emotional intelligence and then dove into my own deeper emotional wounds - wounds that we all have from growing up in Western society. In working through those wounds, the feeling of ecstatic release, bliss, and joy was one that I couldn't keep to myself. I immediately had to start helping others the way my life coach helped me.
Unlocking my true potential by unlearning societal norms, restructuring my beliefs, and ultimately trusting that the divine universe has my back and provides a beautiful life for me to live, is what brought true happiness and unconditional love into my life. Something that I never experienced before, even being part of a beautiful, loving family growing up.
I first started teaching about emotional intelligence to parents, then offered emotion coaching. From there I decided that Somatic Trauma Therapy would be a good route to take so I took the course and provided those sessions. I then unlocked an energetic gift inside me, being able to see and clear people's emotional blocks through colours and lines in their bodies. I still provide these Quantum Energy Clearings today. However, my favourite sessions are Lightcode Activations - where I connect with your guides to bring in your lightcodes which upgrades your DNA, bringing in your highest potential., and Releasing Blocks sessions - where I use psychic mediumship to go back to the time the emotional wound got trapped so that energy can be integrated into your being rather than stay stuck, causing density and stagnancy.
Through my Mentorship I offer 8 weeks of connection through energy clearings, lightcode activations, releasing blocks sessions, and inner child healing, along with 1-1 support mon-fri in Telegram so you can thrive in the life you're meant to live in!​
Our own personal ascension only occurs when we peel back the layers society has caked onto us, and we lean into our authentic selves, the selves we truly are and came to Earth to remember.
All sessions are 60 mins - $111
Lightcode Activation
Activate dormant genes that are ready to be expressed in this lifetime during this session. Some of your genes have been offline since you arrived on Earth. This session awakens your unique gifts so that you can re-member who you truly are.​
Inner Child Healing
Inner child emotional blocks aren't always trauma - they can be emotional wounds that we all experience and that affect our well-being on a widespread level. These wounds or traumas can be healed through integration so that you aren't "losing" a part of you, rather you are able to accept them as you in order to feel like your whole self again.
Releasing Blocks Session
Release trapped energy that is weighing you down or causing you pain, and holding you back from living your best life in this session.
​​​Uses somatic and psychic practices which empower you to release blocks and beliefs that are holding you back from living the life you want, and accomplishing your goals.